Friday, October 16, 2015


Do you know that honey is the only food that never gets spoilt? If you don’t know get that right now. Science has shown us that honey is very good for the body. This ranges from its use as a booster of sperm count in male folks to its use as natural skin care. Medically, honey is known to counter aging by reducing the rate of reactive oxygen species (ROS) production and reactive nitrogen production. That is, radical formation by cells in the body and compounds which are not stable in the body system. Several popular products in the world today have its major constituent to be Honey. A good example is the FOREVER PRODUCT which has a product that is majorly made of honey and aloe vera extract and has been shown to be able to detoxify the effect of toxins in the body. However, it is important to reveal that the ability of Honey to perform all this essential functions is not just earthly but rather as a result of the heavenly mystery that lies in it. Hence, Honey is not just a food nor is it just good medically but lo and behold, a mystery that God’s people must tap into. Here are some of the things we may know already but not conscious of but I must say that these things are mysteries of the heavenlies.  Do you know that:  1. The first food of Christ Jesus was Honey – Isaiah 7:15. The Bible said so that he may know to shun evil and embrace good.  2. The manna that was given to the Isrealites in the wilderness was made from Honey supporting the fact that Jesus is the bread of life. Don’t forget the scripture said my people will suck honey from the Rock. Who is the Rock? Jesus.  3. John that was to announce Jesus was in the wilderness to participate in the food that gives life, hence a need for him to go there in the first place to suck that honey.  4. Jonathan got to know the reality and the truth by disobeying Saul and sucking the honey which he warned them not to take. The Bible recorded that immediately He took it his eyes were enlightened. Mystery!!!  5. Samson killed a Lion and when he went back to check what has happened, to his surprise, He saw swarms of bees  and He took and eat. A lion that ought to be full of ants and other creatures meant to be found on a carcass. Little did he know that the lion of the tribe of Judah that gave Him the power, the father and maker of Lions has descended in powers upon that carcass. This is a complete mystery I must say!!!  6. When Jesus rose after the third day, the first food he tasted was a honey. You might want to say this is just a coincidence, but I tell you there is more to what happened in  that scene. He started his journey in life with honey. Don’t forget he is now transformed to a heavenly being, therefore he can no longer consume of the food that perishes but of that that perisheth not – Honey; the food that gives life.  7. Revelation Chapter 7 recorded of the promises of God upon the household of Isreal-the heavenly Chosen generation. The heavens concept is that these people can not be feed with ordinary food to rain immortal till eternity; the only option was Honey which is natural and heaven borne. As a result He feed them with it.  Let’s pause here for a while and get the rest unveiled in the next series from this same platform – motiscience

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