Friday, July 22, 2016

Wisdom is profittable to direct

An old farmer wrote a letter to his son in prison."
Son this year I will not plant cassava and yam
because I can't dig the field, I know if you were
here you would have helped me".
The son replied his father "Dad don't even think
of digging the field because that's were I buried
the money I stole".
NIGERIAN POLICE" on reading this letter went
early in the morning to the house, dug the whole
field in search of the money but nothing was
The next day the son wrote his father again "Dad
you can now plant your cassava and yam this is
the best I can do from here.
Dad replied " haaa my son you are too powerful
indeed ,even in prison you still command police
men to work for me,I was so surprised to see the
IG and team holding hoes and shovels, digging
my farm. I will write to you when I want to

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Why you must give your best for God

How faar                                                                                   Joke but Fact:- N100 and N1000 were best friends one day they had an accident and both died. On reaching paradise entrance ,God let N100 enter freely .So N1000 asked God my lord am I not N100 times more valid than him? how can he enter while I'm outside? GOD answered N100 & his younger sister N50 always come to church but you are always present in bars, night clubs, restaurants & hotels, so disappear, I dont want to see u. Pls lets help N1000 to enter heaven....
Sir/ Ma N1000 is not too much for God. Put am for the offering box.

Don't behave like these two guys, BE REAL!

Nigerian guy living in Sweden smartly married a Swedish
Lady, so as to be legally certified with resident permit.
However, the lady was not aware of this.
He lied to the Lady that he is from Kenya because of
the bad
reputation of Nigerians in that part of Sweden.
After their wedding, the Lady informed him that she met
her friend who is also married to a Kenyan & would like
them to have dinner together one day.
The Naija guy was disturbed & kept thinking how to get
out of this?
He postponed & postponed the dinner until he got tired
of postponing.
Finally, D-DAY came & they all sat down in a restaurant.
Our Naija guy was quiet & was sweating profusely in
spite of the cold atmosphere of Sweden (-8C).
The Ladies asked their husbands to communicate in their
local dialect since they are both from same Country
The Naija guy being a man
of great savvy decided he will just speak Yoruba, if the
other guy didn't understand, he will claim that he is from
another tribe & region in Kenya.
Then he started...
Joo, Ore mi, ki ni oruko e? Omo ibo ni e?
The other Kenyan looked up & replied...
Ah, Omo Iya, waa sere joo. Ade loruko mi. Omo Isale
Eko ni mi!
They shook hands & embraced each other to the
admiration of the Ladies.
Yorubas no dey carry last O!..#KipASmileOnUrFace...NoMatterCondition.

Husbands beware!!!

Three men took their wives to d hospital for delivery, shortly the Nurse came out and asked, who is Joseph that works with three crowns milk, the man stood up, congratulations your wife has delivered three bouncing babies.

Shortly, d Nurse came out again and asked, who is John dat works with 7up, the man stood up, congrats your wife has delivered 7 bouncing babies.

Immediately, the third man took off and ran away because he works at 33 lagger beer.